Casualties of Divorce - Helping the Children of Broken Families

Project Summary:

This project aims to look at the comparative experience of divorce across jurisdictions and appraise the help available to mitigate and minimise the trauma many children experience when parents divorce in different countries. The primary goal of this study is to draw inspiration from successful support facilities available to children from different countries in order to provide benefits to

children who are suffering in the UK, hopefully encouraging the UK authorities to do more to safeguard children from the psychological and social harm which can be caused by fragmentation of the family unit.

Places I will be visiting:

Sydney, Australia

Los Angeles, USA

Toronto, Canada

Vancouver, Canada

New York, USA

Florida, USA

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

10 days to go...

Dear Blogglets,

First, thank you for taking the time to visit- this blog will serve as a sort of tracking device, following my progress across countries and continents, via plane, train and automobile and will also (hopefully) serve to reassure those nearest and dearest that just because I am not calling does not mean I have been malled by a pack of rabid hyenas/ torn limb from limb by an angry bear / eaten by a shark / sold into slavery or captured by a renegade gang of organ harvesters and sold bit by bit on the black market. So, having wrestled the cyberspace behemoth this far, I remain hopeful that I'll be able to update every few days without taking down the national mainframes of my host countries with my now wily tecnho-dweeb abilities. begin...10 days to go and not a shred of packing has been done. This is standard. I am terrible at packing. Rubbish in fact. My Mum however could take the title, if there were one, for the most items of clothing ever able to be fitted into the confines of a hand luggage bag. However, I aim to reach a happy medium this time between my inept 'throw things in and go' mentality and her 'you can fit four t-shirts, a pair of socks and a small child into your sandal if you roll and condense it' tactics. Hmm. I wonder how that one will work out.

Australia is my first stop off, and I am delirious with excitement having spent nearly every waking moment of the last two weeks attached at the ear to my Blackberry arranging stuff. Meetings lined up, tickets booked, flights scheduled (volcanic ash cloud permitting that is)...and I am off!! This time next week I will be vaccinated to the point of pin-cushionery, VISA-ready and so cosied up to the US immigration authorities that they'll be calling me for advice on White House soft furnishings. Hurrah! So exciting!

For those interested in learning more about what it is I aim to do in the three months I am gone, I have written a little more about my project elsewhere on my blog. Please give it a read if you have time.

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